Invented by Martin CJ Mongiello - a DBA of Mongiello Holdings™, LLC
"We have been selling our Real Coin Offering in a hand-painted, 3" diameter, gold-colored and blue painted coin since 2015. It's our intent to take that to the next level in a real gold-struck coin linked to the Ethereum blockchain. Let's be honest, you can speculate and invest in any of the thousands of fraudulent coins, false tokens, and fake crypto-currencies out there anytime like Komid, MiningMax, or My Big Coin. They offer no backing of real gold, 24-hours a day that is linked to the blockchain. All transactions are recorded and you can use your credit card, many cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Tron (TRX), Dodge, Litecoin, Tether, or Ether (to name a few), or cash to get a gold coin shipped to you! ORDER TODAY ONLINE OR PURCHASE IN OUR ONSITE GIFT SHOP.
Martin CJ Mongiello, MBA, MA, MCFE
After contacting Sunshine Mint, negotiating, finishing my AML/KYC, and speaking with them about my United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) filing and invention of the Real Coin Offering (the RCO) - It is a proud moment in time to see reality now here!
I remember the days of 1irstGold refusing to change the denomination from gram to ounce. Now, we see full production of my dreams, forecast, and invention in pure silver and pure gold. "Bitcoin cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. To acknowledge and salute this new reality, Kitco has given our bestselling Bitcoin Rounds an upgrade with the 1 oz pure .9999 gold Bitcoin Round. This beautifully detailed design was produced by the Sunshine Mint exclusively for Kitco. The obverse side of the round shows the defacto Bitcoin logo (a capital letter B made to look like a dollar sign) in a mirrored finish. The central design is surrounded by fine frosted lines, like the wiring of a computer chip. The weight and purity of this 1 oz pure gold round are stamped in a computer code-style font four times around the outside edge."
Marti and team on the TODAY Show in New York.
Why did you launch a Genesis Day, speak about the RCO, and help clients in the city of Charlotte, NC? Why not New York or LA? GENESIS DAY WAS ON 12/20/20 at 12:20:20 by Stormy L. Mongiello who got a gold bar out of the ethereum linked ATM.Here's why. This is where a German-American first discovered gold in America, Charlotte, NC, we debuted for the first time in history, the valid transactions LIVE streaming across the internet. Our city is named after the German Queen, Charlotte Sophia of the Duchy of Mecklenburg Strelitz - so it is fitting that this German invention is celebrated and debuted here:
#Gold #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Crypto #TRX #Tron #Blockchain #RealCoinOffering(RCO)™
Marti as keynote speaker to the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA).
Our safety standards require any independent contractor, loader, trucker, investor, owner, or advisor always to wear a back brace when moving metals, ATM's or lifting items (an ATM weighs 540 pounds empty) along with a large appliance hand truck, or at least an 800# rated hand truck. Please see the videos as we are running a 100% safety record with the safety committee for 12+ years!
The Real Coin Offering is 100% owned by Mongiello Holdings, LLC The Inn of the Patriots, LLC run since 1976 via US federal EIN #45-4133185, a Delaware corporation since 2002 in good standing (every year #3583533) and a North Carolina corporation since 2008 and formalized in 2012 in good standing (every year #1261874) collecting and submitting sales and taxes under license #600693934 in our gold and coin gift shop as well as online shops. Our main Dun and Bradstreet number is #962151663. The Health Department physically inspects us. The Cleveland County Fire Marshal and Building Inspector have inspected our facility for operational licensure, and our most recent health and safety inspection for 2020 was a score of 98. We have no missed NC1, NC3, NC500, town, county, state, or federal tax filings, no missed W-2, W-4, 940, 941, and I-9 filings.
We run our companies and team payroll with oversight from a team of CPA's at Darrall Keller, CPA PA firm in King's Mountain, have built two Little Free Libraries for the community, and operate a 24-hour free food bank in front of our property. We are a disabled & injured SDVOB 100% US military veteran-owned company (30-year military retired). Over 600 room nights, cooking classes, tours, and funds have been donated to charities since 2008! Global Activisim + a Green Award Leader = A responsible business. At one recent event for Cystic Fibrosis, we worked 16 hours and raised $567,000.00 in one night at the Master Chefs Dinner held at Quail Hollow Country Club.
You'll notice all of our companies synergize together in the hospitality markets. Serving others is what we do best in gaming, ATM's, resorts, or offering state dinners inside the White House. That's because our DNA is the driving factor stemming from the first humanist and first tourist identified in the history of the earth: Petrarch, our family dynasty since the early 1300s. When we say that tourism, hospitality, marketing, entertaining, writing, etc., is in our blood - we don't mean it metaphorically. We say it truthfully! We have been in this business for 700+ years. Our German American side includes US Medal of Honor awardees 1st Lt. Dwite Schaffner & Sergeant Joseph Schaefer who both received the Medal of Honor for actions during World War I and II. , Olympic gold medalists Gustav Schafer, and Karl Schafer.
Helplessly, we get up every day like this and being great at what we do. Please feel free to take a look at all of our companies.
Understand the next great invention & the security & safety it provides for the world. BLOCKCHAIN & CRYPTO are simple to comprehend. But only when they are easily explained by an elder.
If a silly cook who flips steak for a living can explain crypto and blockchain - then any blue-collar colleague can understand it. Watch the interview with CEO Marti Mongiello on Coin News Extra.
As a host, I was happy to interview Jeremy Chausse and Marques Hardin for The Crypto Genius Show. Along with Fara Wan Ahmed of Kuala Lumpur and Kanzun Ventures, we welcomed Marques and Jeremy live from their studios and offices in Paris, France.
Our continued showcasing of NFT museums works hand-in-hand with our highly digital museum here of the US Presidential Culinary Museum.
As a host, I was happy to interview Nadeem, CEO of Payscript, along with Wan Fara Ayu - wherein he is helping businesses adopt digital currencies and become future-ready for the massive shift happening in the world of digital payments.
We have been proud to see Nadeem on our front cover of Crypto Genius.
We were so honored to facilitate the adventure of blockchain in its world adoption into Africa, America, and Europe.
During this show hosted out of Australia by Mireille Toulekima named The Greatness Engineering Hour - we had the honor to showcase how we are all still learning and growing blockchain.
"Gold has thousands of years of a track record offering some form of protection against the unexpected." "That's worth having."
George Milling-Stanley, Chief Gold Strategist
State Street Advisors
The Wall Street Journal,
October 1, 2020.
Use this secure link to get your Trust Wallet, at the official site And get a super-safe HARD WALLET with a Trezor stick here (highly recommended for serious security). People with large amounts of cryptocurrency will often keep large amounts on a hard wallet (a small USB memory stick held in your hand) and transfer small amounts of it over to their soft wallet (a Trust Wallet app on their cell phone or mobile phone). We also highly recommend the use of a Google white Titan Key if you are a high-value target, star, recording artist, politician, or other high-profile people. Anti-virus software, WIPS, updating programs daily, server protection, and Malwarebytes are also key elements of protection with LifeLock.
A graphic featuring the TRust Wallet application.
"No nation in history has ever survived fiat money. Money that did not have a precious metal backing."
Once the lies end with some crypto-currencies - an RCO begins with the truth. You can have real gold coins and we also sell beautiful gift coins in a classy box. Other metals can be minted and used as well.
Offering a real gold coin. We also have custom-designed neck wallets that hold coins & a Trezor stick. A REAL WALLET WITH REAL COINS IN IT - WOW! Whodathunk?
I invented the REAL COIN OFFERING (RCO) ™ - a new category for Investopedia, FINRA established terminology and metallurgical associations. Martin CJ Mongiello
Like a REAL gold ticket to Disney, the opportunity to have a real coin backing an RCO is superlative.
The inventor of the RCO™ is Martin CJ Mongiello and with help from his team, it is being rolled out worldwide. US Copyright Office Registration #TXu 2-222-837, US Patent and Trademark Office trademark 90234511.
Mongiello Associates Strategic Marketing Firm
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC, USA
Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. in association w/THE INN OF THE PATRIOTS™, LLC, PRESIDENTIAL CULINARY MUSEUM®, PRESIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTER® - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED©. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds donated to charities since 2008 & $567,000.00 RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Global Activism + Green Leader Awards = a responsible business. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% veteran-owned and committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
A number of our pages interact with our other nine brands and companies. This allows us to reach close to three billion viewers on TV, in print, and via social media.