If we recently met, I showed you my QR code and it led here! Thank you for jumping over to check out my site and recent work. My Linkedin page says this:
"Leads a foundation, museum, inn, & school via marketing & fundraising, 12X author, speaker/former White House Chef recreates first family favorites at large events. Resort GM expert in film, TV, streaming & Ai."
We have had days where we helped raise $68,000.00 for Easter Seals and nights that helped bring in $567,000.00 for Cystic Fibrosis. https://theinnofthepatriots.com/our-world-charity-work
We also have helped raise $500,000.00 for 25,000 women chicken farmer's in Nigeria and then $500,000.00 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo to illuminate 125,000 homes with solar power. https://theinnofthepatriots.com/presidential-projects
My main sites are at:
The Inn of the Patriots - a country inn: https://www.theinnofthepatriots.com
Our marketing firm: https://www.mongielloassociates.com
Keynotes, White House luncheons & dinners http://www.InsidethePresidentsCabinet.com
I invent, create, and own dozens of brands, IP, websites, and products with some nine companies. To list them all here would be boring and uninteresting. I am trying to be respectful of you.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martincjmongiellomba/
as well as dozens of groups, companies, and pages owned, reaching about nine million fans, followers, and colleagues. An early adopter as number 17M when Linkedin was invented by Reid Hoffman in 2004.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mongiello
as well as dozens of groups, companies, and pages owned with some 80,000 fans and followers.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martincjmongiello
Instagram corporate: https://www.instagram.com/insidethepresidentscabinet
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/martimongiello
X (Twitter) corporate: https://twitter.com/PresServiceCent
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/theinnpatriots/
I have 11 books published and have been featured in 17. I expect this to continue to climb.
Mongiello Associates Strategic Marketing Firm
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC, USA
Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. in association w/THE INN OF THE PATRIOTS™, LLC, PRESIDENTIAL CULINARY MUSEUM®, PRESIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTER® - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED©. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds donated to charities since 2008 & $567,000.00 RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Global Activism + Green Leader Awards = a responsible business. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% veteran-owned and committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
A dba of Mongiello Holdings, LLC
A number of our pages interact with our other nine brands and companies. This allows us to reach close to three billion viewers on TV, in print, and via social media.