You want powerful writing from wordsmiths that romance sentences like no one else. The research, then writing, & compelling package...
Step by step, we will be there with you over the months. We embrace a fully customized, successful grant award-winning process.
You can write ten grants and get approved on one - or you can have dozens of requests in and get approved on several of them.
Our team has written and produced billions of dollars in grants and financials. Many of us have worked for governments worldwide, with USAID, with the UN, and for several NGO's and PAC's. We have international connections and friendships, unlike anyone.
We do things right the first time. Securing professional grant writers is a requirement wherein they are paid. Writers are not allowed to receive a commission. Why do things several times, guessing at the wrong methods?
We produce iron-core results. We act with alacrity, ethics, and momentum built on locomotion. With KIVA we are invested in 77 different low-cost loans in 22 countries. This is part of 1.95 million investors who have produced $1.7 billion dollars in micro-investment. We have an authorized investment team on Kiva of the United States Presidential Service Center. See even more of our projects here and how we raise money for Cystic Fibrosis of $567,000.00 in one night as well as working with March of Dimes. Analyze our portfolio with your forensic CPA, financial planners and general counsel.
We know who to call and how to apply to the MCC, USAID, ITA, and dozens of the most beneficial organizations in America. We are highly connected to the most powerful friends and families, including over 40,000 colleagues in government, presidential foundations, hedge funds, and family offices, ready to help create a better human race and earth.
Having invested nearly $2 billion USD into ending polio worldwide, we recently collected over $400 million into our Rotary Foundation. The foundation is ranked as a four-star foundation on Charity Navigator and holds a score of 100 out of 100. We are all Rotarians in the Rotary Club of Global Impact #224228. We donate 47 million hours of volunteer work annually via 1.4 million members in 46,000 clubs.
We expect partners and friends to bring it when we announce action-oriented opportunities.
Participating in the successful raise of $500,000.00 to illuminate 125,000 homes.
Into the 30-day mark we issued this call for help in the DRC.
We have helped to deliver millions of dollars in aid into Ukraine across 160 countries.
Through Babban Gona and Kiva we were successful to the benefit of 25,000 women chicken farmers in Nigeria.
Achieving locomotion is essential and key.
Here we demonstrate several different styles of grant and fundraising writing. This encompasses, at times, differing clients that may cross into inventions, Screen Writer's Guild, US Patent & Trademark Office, or Library of Congress filings. Our work and success encompasses a world view of partners in dozens of languages. A single sample in each area is offered and is not our entire client with work history.
Mongiello Associates Strategic Marketing Firm
301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC, USA
Web design & graphics by MA Marketing Agency. in association w/THE INN OF THE PATRIOTS™, LLC, PRESIDENTIAL CULINARY MUSEUM®, PRESIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTER® - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED©. Over 600 room nights, classes, tours, & funds donated to charities since 2008 & $567,000.00 RAISED IN ONE NIGHT FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Global Activism + Green Leader Awards = a responsible business. A disabled & injured SDVOB 100% veteran-owned and committed to ADA accessibility as disabled owners.
A number of our pages interact with our other nine brands and companies. This allows us to reach close to three billion viewers on TV, in print, and via social media.