I started D&D in 1974 & Dungeon Master duties in 1979. The game was labeled satanic for devil worshipers. Today, I play with a laptop, books, miniatures on maps, 3D castles, & diorama landscapes I make, as well as on Google Meet & the official APP. I am a 360 million+ player in Forge of Empires & new to War & Order.
If you want to join us in War and Order - please contact me. We have a one-year contract, play daily (at worst weekly), invest in the Alliance Technology at least 900 weekly (if not thousands), help players mathematically become very powerful, and promote videos and instructional tips daily. And enjoy watching our new television series here! Please prepare a one-paragraph explanation of why you want to join us, and thank you for considering sharing your skills with us each day. See more about joining here.
Forge of Empires has hit its 500 million Euro mark in sales - across the world! I have played with Inno Games and FoE for about three years, starting during COVID. In FoE, they have guilds - while War & Order has Alliances that fight in Realms located on servers all over the earth. FoE is a landscape-held game that can also be played on computers - or switched over to your phone. Regular events and updates come out around every two months to keep players involved. This game moves at the speed of a glacier and may take several years to grow in.
Have you been looking for more detailed tips and tricks in Elite Wars that are not shown worldwide? I will share several that I have noticed used to good effect in several steps with digital drawings to easily understand what no one has ever shown before...
In this episode, I showcase the Windows version of War and Order by Camel Games and how to not make the same mistakes I have made in your lowlands. Your Training Grounds, Medic Tents, Stone Mines, Sawmills, Farms, and Iron Mines are critical to your success! Don't avoid them, like I did, racing towards Castle level 25!!! We are also inviting guests to speak and talk on the show as well.
Using a correct arrangement of four troop types on your front line and then the same for your back line creates a safe algorithm for combat effectiveness. The inclusion of Angels is critical for higher levels and this also allows for any entry point (especially if you are first) to not destroy all of the other units arriving onto the field of combat after you. 4 in the front and 4 in the back = 8 - or what we call a 4 X 4 attack arrangement in warfare. Allow me to show you the War and Order cards and battle setup in ways no one ever has before.
I'm happy to show you a secret or two in Infinite Wars and how to get even more points out of it to spend those precious Courage Coins! I'll improve your cash on hand, or double it for the Exchange Store. War and Order is run by Camel Games.
War and Order has 50 million plus players under a base of 120+ million at Camel Games. My original alliance was called Assassin Warlords Alliance, and we were the number one (#1) alliance to welcome ladies, female warriors, and dames in 2023 - as well as strong men who fight by their side in combat. We cracked many jokes with Master Moizz during the game and had fun in our teams. I followed my Master, Moizz, to IGB and OVG and then settled in with my family at ANO. We welcome you to consider joining us inside the game, where you can apply, or below. You can watch the whole TV series here, and please subscribe to my channels on Amazon LIVE, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook (22 channels), X, Instagram, and Linkedin. I broadcast simultaneously to numerous platforms in 205 countries and territories.
We were super excited to put together three films with tracks to be able to share with you a very, very tough attack named Death's Border. As a team, in our alliance named ANO, we tried this first in early 2024 and failed. We then sought to change up our strategy and learn about Death's tricks and attacked the next week. We are very proud to share our good luck with you in beating DEATH at their own game!
You can watch the whole TV series here, and please subscribe to my channels on Amazon LIVE, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook (22 channels), X, Instagram, and Linkedin. I broadcast simultaneously to numerous platforms in 205 countries and territories.
A red and white graphic featuring the Cloak of Turok.
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A number of our pages interact with our other nine brands and companies. This allows us to reach close to three billion viewers on TV, in print, and via social media.